
Friday 11 May 2012

World Book Night April 23rd

We celebrated World Book Night by giving away copies of The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox by Maggie O’Farrell – one of the many books listed as ‘give aways’ for the night.

The idea behind World Book Night is to celebrate reading and for volunteers to give out free books to those in their community to share their love of reading – for us the volunteer was Carolyn and the community was the College, and in total we gave away 24 books to students and staff from around the College. 

Some of the feedback to the book is that ‘it’s a great read and I’ll certainly pass it on’.  Each of the WBN books has a number which could be used to track its movement...if you have one of the books log onto and click on Track Your Book. If everyone who has the book does this it could tell a story in itself!

We have copies in the Learning Centre to borrow along with other Maggie O’Farrell titles.

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