
Wednesday 29 February 2012

World Book Day
March 1st 2012

World Book Day is a worldwide celebration of books and reading. Its main aim is to encourage reading in children, but it is also an opportunity for everyone to celebrate books and the enjoyment reading can bring.
You can visit The World Book Day site at this link
There is also a free app to download that has new and exclusive short stories.

St David's Day

March 1st is also St David's Day, and the Learning Centre has plenty of Welsh resources.

Why not visit our Cornel Cymraeg/Welsh Corner.

We have books for learning to speak Welsh, books in Welsh, books about Welsh heritage, we even have books on Welsh cooking, to help you with your Welsh Cakes and your bowl of Cawl (leek broth)

Tuesday 7 February 2012

National Libraries Day Competitions

National Libraries Day was on the 4th February and The Learning Zone and Learning Centres are running competitions to coincide with this event. 

These competitions are a great chance for you to tell us why you love libraries and books!

At Colcot Road Learning Zone, staff are asking you to either say why you love your library, or recommend a book.  At the Parade and Trowbridge Learning Centres, staff are asking you to suggest a book. 

There are ten £10 gift vouchers available across the sites and these will be given to the best entries.

If you want to enter, there are slips in the Learning Centres and Learning Zone on which you can write your recommendations.  You can also e-mail your entry to us at:

So, get writing - and good luck!

Thursday 2 February 2012

Enjoy reading?

Meet, read, discuss and have fun at the

ESOL drop-in reading group 
 Come and join us for an hour each week to read and discuss our chosen 'Quick Reads' book:

We Won the Lottery' by Danny Buckland

Starting on Thursday 8th March at 9.30pm in the Study Centre at the Parade Learning Centre.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Old book smell in a can!

If you love e-books, yet miss the musty smell of an old paperback these aerosol e-book enhancers are for you! Available in 5 different aromas in a stockist near you.